
How to Conduct On-Site Research

How do I conduct on-site research?

The Caleb Project and the AD2000 & Beyond Movement have prepared a training manual, Life<> Changing Encounters, specifically to aid short-term research teams. Another Caleb Project book, Exploring<> the Land, is a more extensive tool for research preparation. You may order either book from Caleb<> Project.

An on-site research trip should not be attempted without guidance from an experienced mission agency. Sharing information about a people is a basic function of both networking/partnership and advocacy. Before taking a research journey, talk to other agencies and churches focused on your people to see whether a trip is appropriate and how cooperation can enhance your on-site research experience. Contact your denominational mission and other agency before planning your research trip to see whether they might assist your team.

What is on-site research?
On-site research begins with organizing or joining a team of fellow Christians to visit a particular people to gather specific information about them. The information gathered may be used to:

On-site research should be considered only after gathering and understanding whatever data already exists. There may not be a need to send a research team if quality research has already been completed by others. It may, however, still be appropriate to send a team for prayer, assessing need or points of contact, or encouraging workers.

What comprises a research team?
A research team is a group of like-minded people traveling abroad to gather information and to pray on-site for an unreached people. It is recommended that a team have a minimum of four people so the following roles may be filled: team leader, prayer coordinator, research coordinator and photographer.

Note: research team recruitment and other vital considerations are fully covered in the Life<> Changing Encounters training manual.

Who may take a research journey?
Intercessors, encouragers, helpers, worshipers, photographers, and researchers in good health, all have a place on the team. Ask God to bring the team together in such a way that each member's gifts complement the rest. Good training sessions can properly equip the team for sensitivity to the culture, handling security concerns, and provide a more favorable experience. AD2000 and Beyond Movement considers pre-journey training (including a live training seminar) as crucial for a profitable journey.

How do researchers receive training?
A comprehensive training manual,  Life<> Changing Encounters, has been developed specifically for short-term research and prayer teams by AD2000 & Beyond Movement and Caleb Project. It covers all aspects of preparing a team to visit for research and prayer in another culture.

If you need help in preparing for a research journey you may contact Caleb<> Project.

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