Arab, Iraqi in Spain

Map Source:  Bethany World Prayer Center
People Name: Arab, Iraqi
Country: Spain
10/40 Window: No
Population: 900
World Population: 21,994,000
Primary Language: Arabic, Mesopotamian
Primary Religion: Islam
Christian Adherents: 5.00 %
Evangelicals: 1.50 %
Scripture: Complete Bible
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: Arab, Levant
Affinity Bloc: Arab World
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula are considered to be the original Arabs. The Arabian culture was developed by tribes of nomads and villagers who lived in the Arabian Desert for many centuries. It was also from there that Arab migrations began, eventually leading to the expansion of the Arab world.

Iraqi Arabs descended from a people group cluster called the Levant Arabs. The Levant Arabs originally settled all over the Arabian Peninsula and later migrated to North Africa. They are spread from Israel to Kuwait and as far east as Iran. "Levant" is a broad term that includes several groups of Arabs: the Iraqi, Jordanian, Palestinian, Arabic Jewish, Chaldean, and Syrian Arabs.

Modern day Iraq is the home of the ancient Sumerian, Assyrian and Babylonian empires. Iraq was occupied by Britain during World War I. In 1932, Iraq gained its independence.

Where Are they Located?

Most Iraqi Arabs live in Iraq, but there are a number of them who have had to flee for their lives because of violence and mayhem that happened after Saddam Hussein was driven from power in 2003. As Iraq continues to be unstable, more Iraqi refugees continue to flow to Europe, usually starting in southern counties like Greece, Italy and Spain. Because these countries have weaker economies than countries like England and Germany, they try to find their way to places where they can find jobs and re-build their lives.

What Are Their Lives Like?

To the best of their abilities, Iraqis have tried to re-build their lives in urban centers rather than stay in refugee camps. There have been reports of Iraqi Arabs being smuggled through Spain on route to England. These people might be victims of human trafficking.

What Are Their Beliefs?

Iraqi Arabs can be either Sunni or Shi 'ite Muslim. There is much hostility between these two branches of Islam in Iraq, especially since they are commonly used as rallying points for those who wish to take political control by force.

What Are Their Needs?

Iraqis in Spain are in desperate need of jobs. They need to find the opportunity to re-build their lives in Europe.

Prayer Points

Pray for the Lord to help Iraqi refugees to re-build their lives.
Pray that the ordeal that Iraqi Arabs have been through will help them to understand the weaknesses of Islam, and they will begin searching for true righteousness and holiness.
Pray for believers to do what they can to reach Iraqi Arabs in Europe for Christ, and to disciple them in His ways.
Pray that Spain will be a safe place for Iraqi Arabs to be discipled.

Text Source:   Keith Carey