Lao in France

Photo Source:  Cambodia Research Network 
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People Name: Lao
Country: France
10/40 Window: No
Population: 19,000
World Population: 4,007,600
Primary Language: Lao
Primary Religion: Buddhism
Christian Adherents: 3.00 %
Evangelicals: 0.10 %
Scripture: Complete Bible
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: Lao
Affinity Bloc: Southeast Asian Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

There are more Laotians in France than in any other country except Laos itself. There were people from Laos living in France before the Laotian civil war which stretched from 1953 to 1975. Laos used to be a French colony and there were Laotian people living in France early last century. Laotian workers came to France at this time and Laotian students came to study as well. When the Vietnamese began to rule Laos after the Vietnam War, many more fled to France.
Most Laotians live in Paris while some live in other French cities such as Marseille. The older generation among them prefer to speak Lao but the younger generations tend to speak French.

What Are Their Lives Like?

Laotians in France are usually well educated and they are known to be hard workers. Laotians often work such long hours that they neglect their families. They have their own community centers and Laotian restaurants where they come together to socialize. Buddhist festivals are also times for them to “be Laotian” in France.
Because the ethnic Laotians have successfully settled in France, they often help members of other ethnic communities who have recently arrived.
They are more likely to participate in the politics of Laos than those of France. France’s Laotian community is strongly anti-communist.

What Are Their Beliefs?

There are Buddhist temples in France that the Laotians attend. Their main religion is Theravada Buddhism. They have their own Buddhist holidays. There is also a small Roman Catholic community among the Lao in France. The Laotians are well-established in France. For that reason, they are past that stage when people are willing to consider making spiritual changes.

Prayer Points

Pray for God to do a miracle and get through to the Buddhist Lao people in France.
Pray for Lao disciples to make more disciples in France and other European countries.
Pray for them to have the spiritual hunger it takes to seek and find the only savior.

Text Source:   Joshua Project