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Copyrighted © 2025
Isudas All rights reserved. Used with permission |
Map Source:
People Group data: Omid. Map geography: UNESCO / GMI. Map Design: Joshua Project.
People Name: | Lakhera |
Country: | India |
10/40 Window: | Yes |
Population: | 215,000 |
World Population: | 217,600 |
Primary Language: | Hindi |
Primary Religion: | Hinduism |
Christian Adherents: | 0.00 % |
Evangelicals: | 0.00 % |
Scripture: | Complete Bible |
Ministry Resources: | Yes |
Jesus Film: | Yes |
Audio Recordings: | Yes |
People Cluster: | South Asia Hindu - other |
Affinity Bloc: | South Asian Peoples |
Progress Level: |
The Lakhera are said to originate from lord Shiva, who created them to prepare bangles (bracelets, etc.) for his wife, Parvati.
The Lakhera have traditionally been workers in glass, creating bracelets and similar items for sale. However, at present they are engaged in many other vocations as well.
Some of the people worship lord Shiva, while others worship lord Vishnu. Others are involved in ancestor worship. Circling the sacred fire seven times is the most important marriage ritual. They sometimes worship tools they use in their trades.
There has been strong resistance to the gospel in some areas of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, the states where most Lakhera reside. There are followers of Jesus within other people groups not terribly distant from the Lakhera people.
Pray that Indian believers will be given a desire to tell the Lakhera community about the savior, Jesus Christ.
Pray that any secret believers will be nurtured and protected by the Lord's Spirit.
Pray for Christ centered fellowship.
Please pray the Lord will send workers to the Lakhera who will be able to tell them accurately of the creator God and his son, Jesus the Messiah.
Pray they will be given understanding and faith to believe.