Rathawa in India

Map Source:  People Group Location: Omid. Other geography / data: GMI. Map Design: Joshua Project
People Name: Rathawa
Country: India
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 736,000
World Population: 745,500
Primary Language: Rathawi
Primary Religion: Hinduism
Christian Adherents: 0.01 %
Evangelicals: 0.00 %
Scripture: New Testament
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: South Asia Tribal - other
Affinity Bloc: South Asian Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

The Rathawa are a scheduled tribe residing in the hilly regions of the states of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.

What Are Their Lives Like?

The Rathawa are very dependent on forests for their living. Forest areas provide them land for agriculture, wild animals for food, firewood for fuel and teak wood for building houses.

Rathawa stay in villages that are usually clusters of 40-50 houses, very near to their agricultural fields, but surrounded by a strong fence.

Tamarind trees are considered to be haunted by spirits driven out of those possessed, and therefore no houses are constructed near one! There are also other distinguishing features in the construction of their houses. They always build their houses on elevated ground to prevent flooding. Around most of them there will also be a grove of palm trees. Their houses usually have no windows.

Rathawa are generally friendly with outsiders. Their way of honoring guests is by serving them food in their kitchen.

What Are Their Beliefs?

Rathawa consider themselves Hindus.

What Are Their Needs?

A handful of Rathawa have responded to the gospel message and are following Christ, but God's word is not available in the Rathawi language for them to read, understand and grow in their relationship with Jesus. No other gospel resources, such as recordings, radio programs or tracts are available in this language. God's word in Rathawi will make a big impact on the community. God's word is not available in the Rathawi language for them to read, understand and grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Prayer Points

Pray for Rathawa people to be open to the gospel message and accept Jesus as savior and Lord.
Pray for many Christian workers to go among them to preach the gospel.
Pray for gospel materials to be developed and widely used.
Pray for Rathawa disciples who will make more disciples.

Text Source:   Joshua Project