Tamajaq Tuareg in Mali
TAM-uh-shek TWA-reg

The Tuareg tribe is one of the Berber groups, and they are very unusual. Their distinguishing characteristics include their language, their unique alphabet, and their complex social organization. There are subgroups within the Tuaregs, often based on their dialect. Tamajaq is one of these, though that term is also a generic reference to the Tuareg peoples. In the Southern Sahara Desert, many formerly nomadic Tuaregs are now settled farmers living in villages surrounded by grain fields. Christian workers are usually welcomed if they bring valuable help. The Tamajaq Tuaregs would love to have people bring needed medical care or help them get an adequate water supply.

Ministry Obstacles
Since there are no known Christ followers among the Tamajaq Tuaregs they will have to hear the gospel from outsiders.

Scripture Focus
"For your name’s sake, O LORD, pardon my guilt, for it is great."  Psalm 25:11

Scripture Prayer
Pray for many from today’s people group to understand that they are sinful and need God as their savior.

Prayer Focus
Pray that Tuareg Tamajaq people in Mali would come to know the living Lord through radio broadcasts, films, audio resources and personal contacts with believers. Ask the Lord to send loving Christ followers from other parts of Africa to share the gospel with the Tuareg in Mali. Ask the Lord to save key leaders who will boldly declare the gospel, influencing family leaders.

Presented by Joshua Project