Learn more about Missions

Missions is all about God. God acting to redeem His creation and bring it back in to a relationship with Himself through Jesus Christ.

Learning about missions starts with learning about God through the Bible and seeing how He used men and women to fufill His purposes on earth.

Missions is also about what God is doing today around the world to build Christ's Church. Here are some ways to learn more.

  • Learn how to obey the Great Commission and make disciples who multiply through the Zume Project-an on-line and in-life learning experience for small groups.
  • Take your small group or Sunday School class through the Momentum Course.
  • Sign up for Perspectives - a course which helps believers from all walks of life see how they can connect into God’s story of redeeming people from every tribe, tongue, and nation to Himself.
  • Listen to a missions sermon. Suggested messages by:  John Piper or David Platt.
  • Go through a missions Bible study such as God's Mission and Christian Missions or The Blessing in your small group.
  • Meet with a missionary to learn more about their work.
  • Have a missionary share with your small group, Sunday School class or church.
The Kurd, Turkish-Speaking in Turkey are an example of a unreached people group.

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