The Akurmi settled in Kaduna State, located in northern Nigeria more than 600 years ago. They are amiable and friendly people who are primarily subsistence farmers. Some also work as tailors, carpenters and traders.
Can you imagine what it would be like to try to live the Christian life without having a Bible? It would be like trying to live without food. Yet, because Akurmi believers do not have God's Word in their heart language, that's what they must do every single day.
Although a small fraction of the Akurmi people practices another major world religion, and an even smaller percentage holds on to traditional rituals, at least 80 percent of the Akurmi are Christians. Many have let go of traditional religious practices and are seriously embracing their Christian faith, but they have no Bible.
The Akurmi people long to have the Scriptures in their mother tongue so that they can increase in their understanding of God's Word and grow in Christian maturity. They also want to be able to share the Good News with unbelievers in a form that will reach their hearts and minds.
Scripture Prayers for the Kurama, Bagwama in Nigeria.
Profile Source: Anonymous |