Unreached of Day: 2024-4-30

Bawaria (Sikh traditions) in India

The Bawaria live throughout north and central India. The Sikh Bawaria are considered a low status group in society. The majority are semi-nomadic, working the land and tending animals for high status groups.

Ministry Obstacles

Many Bawaria are illiterate, so gospel presentations must be oral. As Sikhs, they believe that pleasing God comes from living a good life and practicing charity. They also believe in reincarnation and the law of karma. It will be difficult for them to embrace resurrection and grace, given their current beliefs.

Outreach Ideas

Literacy programs with biblical curriculum could be effective in sharing the gospel message with the Bawaria. The Bible is available in the Bawaria dialect of Eastern Punjabi.

Scripture Focus

"Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations."  Psalm 90:1

Scripture Prayer

Pray that today’s people group will make the Lord their “home” forever.

Prayer Focus

Pray for this unappreciated people group to understand that God greatly values them and sent his only Son to secure their salvation. Pray for mission workers who are willing to invest themselves in reaching the Bawaria. Pray for the Lord to awaken the Bawaria to the truth of his word and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Bawaria (Sikh traditions) in India

People Name: Bawaria (Sikh traditions)
Country: India
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 130,000
World Population: 130,000
Language: Punjabi, Eastern
Primary Religion: Other / Small
Christian Adherent: 0.00%
Evangelical: 0.00%
Bible: Complete
Online Audio NT: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:
Progress Gauge

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