The Acatepec are a subgroup of the greater Tlapaneco peoples. Most live in the Mexican state of Guerrero, but a small number have settled in the United States after coming as migrant workers.
The Acatepec Tlapaneco is a farming community. Those who are day laborers are known for their hard work. Some have managed to settle in the United States.
The Acatepec Tlapaneco worship both a male and a female god. They also have “impersonal gods” which are being replaced by their Roman Catholic beliefs. Almost all identify as Roman Catholic, but they still practice their traditional religion.
The Acatepec Tlapaneco need a permanent home. Being a migrant worker sometimes means families are torn apart while one member moves from place to place to find work. They need job training in the US so they can make a better living.
Pray for the Lord to give the Acatepec Tlapaneco people a huge harvest as a testimony of his power and love. May they respond with gratitude.
Pray for Acatepec Tlapaneco people who love the Lord to disciple others who will disciple more people.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to refine the local churches and give them the willingness to look to the cross.
Scripture Prayers for the Tlapaneco, Acatepec in United States.
Profile Source: Joshua Project |