The Bomwali people live mainly in Malapa, but they can be found on either side of the Ngoko River. Some are in Cameroon while others live in the Republic of the Congo.
Most grow cocoa beans for a living.
Those who live in the Republic of the Congo are far more reached with the gospel than those who live in Cameroon.
Despite the tropical climate and abundant rain for part of the year, the Bomwali people lack potable water during the dry season. When the weather is dry, they move to the Ngoko River to find their drinking water. They need wells and a good water purifica
Pray for the Bomwali people to put their faith in the God of the Bible and none other.
Pray for them to praise the God of Heaven who provides fresh water and the Water of Life.
Pray for Bomwali disciples to make more disciples who will make even more disciples.
Scripture Prayers for the Bomwali in Cameroon.
Profile Source: Joshua Project |