Laghuu is a language more than a people group.
Laghuu speakers live in the grasslands, mountains and valleys of northern Vietnam near the Chinese border.
Those who speak Laghuu sell handicrafts, hunt and farm for a living.
Laghuu speakers have their own animistic beliefs which put them at the mercy of the spirit world. They must appease the spirits in order to prosper. If they do not appease the spirits, they will be punished, often by misfortunes.
There are very few people who speak this language, so they need to adapt to the Vietnamese language.
Pray for openness to the person of Jesus as Lord of their lives.
Pray for Laghuu leaders to be open to allowing their people to embrace the Savior.
Pray for there to soon be worship songs and skits in the Laghuu language.
Scripture Prayers for the Laghuu in Vietnam.
Profile Source: Keith Carey |