Tamasheq Tuareg in Mauritania

Main Language
Largest Religion
Progress Gauge

Introduction / History

The Tuareg of Mali belong to a larger group of Berber-speaking Tuareg who live in an area that stretches from the western Sahara to western Sudan. The Tuareg are divided into several main political groups or tribal units. Their distinguishing characteristics include the unity of their language, their alphabet which uses "tifinagh" characters, and their complex social organization.

Although the origin and early history of the Tuareg are obscure, these tribal nomads appear to have traveled down from North Africa in a series of migrations as early as the seventh century. By the end of the 1300s, Tuareg tribes had established themselves as far south as the Nigerian border.

Some call them Tuareg, others prefer the name Tamasheq. Their language, however, is Tamasheq.

What Are Their Lives Like?

At the beginning of the 1300s, salt, gold, ivory, and slave markets sprang up across Tamasheq Tuareg territory which stretched across North Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. During that time, the Tamasheq Tuareg became well known as livestock producers and merchants in the Saharan and Sahelian regions.

In the Southern Sahara, many Tamasheq Tuareg, particularly those from the Sub-Saharan African classes, are now settled farmers living in villages surrounded by grain fields. Since farming is seasonal work, many of the young men also take jobs as blue-collar workers in Nigeria, Ghana or Cote d’Ivoire for part of the year.

Tamasheq Tuareg nomads live in small, lightweight, leather tents or grass huts. A tent is usually about 10 feet long and 10 to 15 feet wide. A household can pack its goods on the backs of two camels, while one or two donkeys carry their odds and ends.

Tamasheq Tuaregs wear clothing that is loose and lightweight. In direct contrast to Arab custom, all of the men wear veils called tidjelmousts; the women do not wear veils. The most preferred tidjelmousts are dyed indigo, though many men wear black. To show respect, the men always cover their mouths, noses, and foreheads while in the presence of foreigners or their in-laws.

What Are Their Beliefs?

Though the Tamasheq Tuareg are virtually all Sunni Muslim, they have a reputation among other Muslims for being lukewarm in their faith. They practice a passive form of Islam, infused with folk beliefs and magic. Most do not even celebrate the most important Muslim fast of Ramadan.

What Are Their Needs?

There are few known Tamasheq Tuareg believers in Mauritania. Prayer is the key to reaching these precious people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Points

Pray that missions agencies and churches will accept the challenge of adopting and reaching the Tamasheq Tuareg.
Pray that gospel broadcasts will soon be produced in their language.
Pray that the small number of Tamasheq Tuareg believers will rise to the challenge of taking the gospel to their people.
Pray that God will grant wisdom and favor to mission agencies focusing on the Tuareg.
Ask the Lord to save key leaders among the Tuareg who will boldly declare the gospel.
Ask the Lord to raise up strong fellowships of believers among the Tamasheq Tuareg.

Scripture Prayers for the Tuareg, Tamasheq in Mauritania.


Bethany World Prayer Center

Profile Source:   Joshua Project  

People Name General Tuareg, Tamasheq
People Name in Country Tuareg, Tamasheq
Natural Name Tamasheq Tuareg
Pronunciation TAM-uh-shek TWA-reg
Alternate Names Antessar; Bella; Kel Tamasheq; Kidal; Kidal Tuareg; Tahoua Tuareg; Tamacheq; Tamasheq; Timbuktu; Tuareg; Udalan
Population this Country 136,000
Population all Countries 939,000
Total Countries 3
Indigenous No
Progress Scale 1
Unreached Yes
Frontier People Group Yes
GSEC 1  (per PeopleGroups.org)
Pioneer Workers Needed 3
PeopleID3 15607
ROP3 Code 110232
Country Mauritania
Region Africa, West and Central
Continent Africa
10/40 Window Yes
Persecution Rank 23  (Open Doors top 50 rank, 1 = highest persecution ranking)
Country Mauritania
Region Africa, West and Central
Continent Africa
10/40 Window Yes
Persecution Rank 23  (Open Doors top 50 rank, 1 = highest persecution ranking)
Map of Tuareg, Tamasheq in Mauritania

Primary Religion: Islam
Major Religion Percent
0.00 %
Christianity  (Evangelical 0.00 %)
0.04 %
Ethnic Religions
0.00 %
0.00 %
99.96 %
0.00 %
Other / Small
0.00 %
0.00 %
Primary Language Tamasheq (136,000 speakers)
Language Code taq   Ethnologue Listing
Primary Dialect Timbuktu
Dialect Code 17148   Global Recordings Listing
Language Written Yes   ScriptSource Listing
Total Languages 1
Primary Language Tamasheq (136,000 speakers)
Language Code taq   Ethnologue Listing
Primary Dialect Timbuktu
Dialect Code 17148   Global Recordings Listing
Total Languages 1
People Groups Speaking Tamasheq

Primary Language:  Tamasheq

Bible Translation Status  (Years)
Bible-Portions Yes  (1953-1998)
Bible-New Testament Yes  (2003-2006)
Bible-Complete No
FCBH NT (www.bible.is) Online
YouVersion NT (www.bible.com) Online
Possible Print Bibles
World Bibles
Forum Bible Agencies
National Bible Societies
World Bible Finder
Virtual Storehouse
Resource Type Resource Name Source
Audio Recordings Audio Bible teaching Global Recordings Network
Film / Video Jesus Film: view in Tamasheq Jesus Film Project
Film / Video LUMO film of Gospels Bible Media Group/LUMO
Film / Video World Christian Videos World Christian Videos
General Bible for Children Bible for Children
General Faith Comes By Hearing - Bible in text or audio or video Faith Comes by Hearing
General Scripture Earth Gospel resources links Scripture Earth
General YouVersion Bible versions in text and/or audio YouVersion Bibles
Mobile App Android Bible app: Tamasheq YouVersion Bibles
Mobile App iOS Bible app: Tamasheq YouVersion Bibles
Text / Printed Matter Children and youth resources One Hope
Text / Printed Matter Jesus Messiah comic book General / Other
Photo Source Copyrighted © 2025  Katja Tsvetkova - Shutterstock  All rights reserved.  Used with permission
Map Source Location: IMB. Imagery: GMI, ESRI, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, ESRI User Community. Design: Joshua Project.  
Profile Source Joshua Project 
Data Sources Data is compiled from various sources. Learn more.