The number of Indians in Finland early this century was less than a thousand but now there are more than that. There are a small number of South Asians in Finland. Most are from India. There are some Pakistanis, some Tamil Sri Lankans and some Bangladeshis as well.
Most live in or near the capital Helsinki.
They have restaurants and retail businesses. Indian computer and telecommunication professionals have begun working for Finnish companies.
There are also Indian engineers in Finland who have come to enjoy Finland's prosperity. Some work for Nokia. A lot of the engineers have come to live in Finland with their wives and families.
There are Indian students in Finland studying technology. They are looking for professional work in Finland and speak good English as well as Hindi and Finnish.
They are mainly Hindus by religion but among them there are some Christians and Muslims. The Muslims have mosques.
The South Asians in Finland need to put their hope and identity in the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is the only one who can take them from darkness to light.
Pray that God will give the Indians in Finland dreams and visions leading them to Jesus Christ.
Pray that the Indian Christians among them will give them the gospel message leading to the abundant life offered by Jesus.
Pray for workers willing to spend the time to win South Asians to Christ.
Pray for a movement to Christ this decade.
Scripture Prayers for the South Asian, general in Finland.
Profile Source: Joshua Project |