Azeri in Latvia

Main Language
Largest Religion
Progress Gauge

Introduction / History

While the origins of the Azerbaijanis, (also known as the Azeris), are unclear, we do know that they have been subjected to numerous invasions throughout their history. The homeland of the Azeris was first conquered by the Persians in the sixth century B.C. Islam was introduced into the area during the seventh century A.D. and has been practiced there ever since.

By the eleventh century, Persian influence was overpowered by Turkic influence, which explains the blending of Turkic and Persian aspects of their culture.

Numerous invasions, and the tribal nature of the people, caused the Azeris to spread throughout Central Asia.

What Are Their Lives Like?

There are very few Azeris in Latvia. The Azeris in Latvia have good relations with the Latvian population. They cooperate with educational efforts, and there are Azerbaijani students in Latvian universities.

What Are Their Beliefs?

Because of the Azeri's historical ties with Iran, Shia Islam is dominant. The Azeris are primarily of the Ithna Ashari (Twelver's) tradition of Shia Islam, which emphasizes their belief of the importance of 12 divinely ordained leaders, one of whom will appear with Christ in the end times. There are also some Sunni Muslims among them. Until the twentieth century, most Azeris identified more with Islam than with their nationality. These beliefs were modified, especially under the atheistic rule of the USSR.

What Are Their Needs?

The most important need of Azeri people in Latvia is to understand and accept the fact that Jesus Christ gave his life in their place in full payment of the penalty of their sins.

The Bible exists in their primary language, Azerbaijani, however, Azeri people remain unreached with the gospel. Who will reach them?

Prayer Points

Pray for dedicated, Holy Spirit anointed workers to go to the Azeris wherever they live.
Pray for spiritual discernment and hunger among these Shia Muslims.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to move among Azeri family heads, so they will be willing to listen to the gospel with open hearts and minds.
Pray for a Disciple Making Movement among Azeris soon.

Scripture Prayers for the Azerbaijani in Latvia.


Profile Source:   Joshua Project  

People Name General Azerbaijani
People Name in Country Azerbaijani
Natural Name Azeri
Pronunciation uh-ZARE-ee
Alternate Names Azerbaijan; Azeri Turk; Turkmen
Population this Country 2,300
Population all Countries 9,152,000
Total Countries 20
Indigenous No
Progress Scale 1
Unreached Yes
Frontier People Group Yes
Pioneer Workers Needed 1
PeopleID3 10528
ROP3 Code 100675
Country Latvia
Region Europe, Eastern and Eurasia
Continent Europe
10/40 Window No
National Bible Society Website
Persecution Rank Not ranked
Country Latvia
Region Europe, Eastern and Eurasia
Continent Europe
10/40 Window No
National Bible Society Website
Persecution Rank Not ranked

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Primary Religion: Islam
Major Religion Percent
0.00 %
Christianity  (Evangelical 0.00 %)
0.00 %
Ethnic Religions
0.00 %
0.00 %
80.00 %
20.00 %
Other / Small
0.00 %
0.00 %
Primary Language Azerbaijani, North (2,300 speakers)
Language Code azj   Ethnologue Listing
Language Written Yes   ScriptSource Listing
Total Languages 1
Primary Language Azerbaijani, North (2,300 speakers)
Language Code azj   Ethnologue Listing
Total Languages 1
People Groups Speaking Azerbaijani, North

Primary Language:  Azerbaijani, North

Bible Translation Status  (Years)
Bible-Portions Yes  (1842-1891)
Bible-New Testament Yes  (2004)
Bible-Complete Yes  (1891-2024)
FCBH NT ( Online
YouVersion NT ( Online
Possible Print Bibles
World Bibles
Forum Bible Agencies
National Bible Societies
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Virtual Storehouse
Resource Type Resource Name Source
Audio Recordings Audio Bible teaching Global Recordings Network
Film / Video Video / Animation Create International
Film / Video Jesus Film: view in Azerbaijani, North Jesus Film Project
Film / Video Love letter to you from scripture Father's Love Letter
Film / Video LUMO film of Gospels Bible Media Group/LUMO
Film / Video Magdalena video Jesus Film Project
Film / Video My Last Day video, anime Jesus Film Project
Film / Video Story of Jesus for Children Jesus Film Project
Film / Video The Hope Video Mars Hill Productions
Film / Video World Christian Videos World Christian Videos
General Faith Comes By Hearing - Bible in text or audio or video Faith Comes by Hearing
General Faith Comes By Hearing - Bible in text or audio or video Faith Comes by Hearing
General Faith Comes By Hearing - Bible in text or audio or video Faith Comes by Hearing
General Scripture Earth Gospel resources links Scripture Earth
General YouVersion Bible versions in text and/or audio YouVersion Bibles
Mobile App Android Bible app direct APK download SIL
Mobile App Android Bible app: Azerbaijani, North YouVersion Bibles
Mobile App Android Bible app: Bible General / Other
Mobile App Android Bible app: Bible App in Azerbaijani General / Other
Mobile App Android Bible app: Müqəddəs Kitab General / Other
Mobile App Download audio Bible app as APK file Faith Comes by Hearing
Mobile App iOS Bible app: Azerbaijani, North YouVersion Bibles
Text / Printed Matter IBT, Russia - resources Institute for Bible Translation
Text / Printed Matter Jesus Messiah comic book General / Other
Photo Source Anonymous 
Profile Source Joshua Project 
Data Sources Data is compiled from various sources. Learn more.