The Poyanawa are a First Nations people who live in Brazil. Their first language is Portuguese. There have been efforts to re-introduce their language.
This tribe is trying to do their farming in a way that doesn’t harm the environment.
Though most identify as Roman Catholic, some remain animistic, worshipping gods of nature, etc. Indigenous groups that don’t have the chance to learn the Bible often revert to their ancient religious practices.
The Poyanawa are a small people group. They will need to adapt to the outside world, so they won’t die out as a tribe.
Pray for the Poyanawa people who love the Lord to disciple others to take Christ to their families.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to move mightily in their churches, drawing many to put all their trust in Jesus Christ.
Pray for them to seek the Lord’s guidance as they face the uncertainties of the future.
Scripture Prayers for the Poyanawa in Brazil.
Profile Source: Joshua Project |