The Umutina people of Brazil were severely tested in the early 20th century when rubber tappers and land grabbing settlers came to their land. The Umutina were soon hit with measles and other epidemics. Their population began to plummet. They live in the Mato Grosso region of Brazil near the Bolivian border.
The Umutina used much body paint for both males and females. Their traditional diet included a kind of corn bread which they made with the maize they grew. They also grow rice, manioc, bananas and potatoes for their daily food. They found other things to eat in the forest such as mushrooms, fruit and honey. Almost everyone fishes using bows and arrows.
Marriages are arranged by parents. The young man must prove to be a good hunter before his potential father in law will accept a proposal for his daughter.
Though a small number identify as Roman Catholic, most remain animistic, worshipping gods of nature, etc.
The Umutina are a small people group. They will need to adapt to the outside world, so they won’t die out as a tribe.
Pray for the Umutina people who love the Lord to disciple others to take Christ to their families.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to move mightily in their churches, drawing many to put all their trust in Jesus Christ.
Pray for them to seek the Lord’s guidance as they face the uncertainties of the future.
Scripture Prayers for the Umutina in Brazil.
Profile Source: Joshua Project |